Questions Asked About Our Mission – Short-Term Help

Is there something we can do to help you in the short term while you are raising support?

This has been and will continue to be a journey of faith as we trust God to provide through people who love and care about us and the work He has given to us to accomplish.  One thing I learned while serving as a pastor: missionaries have a lot of expenses as they raise money to do what God has asked of them.  During this time they have lower incomes as they wait for Faith Promises to come in.  Here are some ways you can help us:

One Time Gifts – It may not seem like a big deal to you, but a one-time gift might be the very thing that meets a particular need or bill that comes up.  While this can always be helpful in this life of faith, it is especially helpful during this time where we are trying to raise funds.  These gifts can help sustain us as we itinerate and have lower incomes because the budget hasn’t been fully raised.  In the future they become a great help to do extra-unexpected projects that come up in any ministry.

Each time this happens the missionary feels the depths of your love; your generous heart humbles us.  Something we never really are looking for, but are always appreciative of, are the gifts that come at just the right time.  So, follow the prompting of the Holy Spirit and do what He asks of you.

Prayer – This can sound so cliché, but it is so true.  Not sure I understood how important it is for the missionary until we took the step of faith ourselves.  We literally depend on the prayers of God’s people.  Through prayer we can do things none of us could accomplish on our own when prompted by the Holy Spirit to pray.  Put us on a regular rotation in your prayer time and see what God does to help us out.  Prayer is critical and multiplies the efforts that go forth.

Missions Service – If you can help us get into a church or para-church organization to share in a missions service that would be wonderful.  Your influence can help us get into places we could never have been able to do ourselves.  It would be customary for either a love offering to be received or an honorarium to be shared.  Helping with travel costs is another way to lighten the load of the visiting missionary.

We would love to come to your church or para-church group to share the vision God has given to us.  Talk with your pastor or the leader of your organization you are a part of and then connect them to us.  Then we can schedule to come and share with your church or group.

There are several ways you can give help during the fund raising time.  If you are able to do something please let us know and we will guide you through the process.  Thanks in advance for a generous and loving heart!

* The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author at the time of writing.  They do not reflect in any way those of the organizations to which they belong to or affiliated with.

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